Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Under Eye Circles

Under eye circles are a course of stress for many people. No matter how much sleep you seem to get, or how many bad habits you break, the under eye circles just won’t go. Surprisingly, there are several common causes for under eye circles, and many of them you may not have heard before.

What causes under eye circles1
  1. Allergies
  2. Eczema (Atopic dermatitis)
  3. High stress
  4. Smoking
  5. High alcohol intake
  6. Pigmentation irregularities – often a concern for people of African American or Asain descent
  7. Frequently rubbing or scratching your eyes
  8. Sun exposure – this triggers your body to produce more melanin, thus creating darker pigmentation under the eyes
  9. Thinning skin and loss of collagen and elastin – As we age, our skin loses these two major proteins. Many times the delicate skin under our eyes is the first to show signs of stress
  10. Anemia – If you have pale skin, fatigue, shortness of breath and/or dizziness, you may be anemic and should see a doctor right away.
  11. Genetics – Want to know if your under eye circles are genetic? Look at your mother and grandmother. If they have them too, chances are you inherited them.

What can I do to get rid of them?
There are several natural home remedies that you can do to prevent, get rid of, or lessen under eye circles2:
  1. Double up on pillows at night and put a cold compress on your eyes in the morning. The extra pillows will keep blood form pooling under your eyes as you sleep. The cold compress will help constrict the vessels, lessening the appearance of the circles.
  2. Eat healthy and have a diet rich in vitamins C, E, K and iron and folic acid. Make sure to eat those fruits and vegetables!
  3. Use crushed mint leaves, cool cucumbers, or cold tea bags to help your skin
  4. Be sure to drink your recommended 64 ounces of water per day. You need to stay hydrated in order for everything to run properly.
  5. Make friends with the sunscreen. It will help keep you looking youthful and healthy. Apply daily.
  6. Lightly palpating your fingers around and under your eyes not only feels like a mini facial massage, but helps get blood flowing to reduce puffiness and under eye circles.
  7. When all else fails, see your doctor. They do have several topical creams and laser procedures that could help if your case is severe.
  8. Don’t forget the magic of make up. Picking an under eye concealer that is a shade lighter than your foundation will help cover any stubborn remaining darkness.

1Mayo Clinic Staff. Dark Circles Under Eyes. (Accessed August 29, 2011). http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/dark-circles-under-eyes/MY00346/DSECTION=causes

2 Sheila. 16 Tips on How to Get Rid of Under Eye Dark Circles and Puffiness. (Accessed August 29, 2011).

Photo courtesy of Michal Marcol at www.freedigitalphotos.net