Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How Your Diet Affects Your Skin

You eat those potstickers and muse..."Hmmm, I probably shouldn't have eaten that.  That ruins my figure!"  When it comes to food, many people think about the consequences of what that food has on their body shape and fitness level.  Guess what?  Your diet actually affects your skin and how it looks too!


Here are twenty tips to improve your skin through proper nutrition:1

1.  Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day!
2.  Avoid fied and process foods.  When you do use oils, try cold-pressed oils.
3.  Eat minimal sugar, chocolate and other junk foods, which have little nutritional value.
4.  Smoking increases wrinkles.  If you can't kick the habit, consume extra vitamin C.
5.  Watch your slat intake.  Too much salt can lead to temporary swelling and puffiness.
6.  Eat cooked egg whites...pure albumin protein.
7.  The sulfur foundin garlic, onions, and asparagus will aid in keeping the skin nice.
8.  Almonds provide vitamin E, which is good for the skin.
9.  Drink minimal amounts of alcohol.
10.  Drink minimal amounts of soft drinks.
11.  If you have a skin irritation and suspect a food allergy, eliminate suspected food and keep a food record to monitor your reaction.
12.  Increase intake of raw veggies.  Not only high in fiber, but naturally higher in vitamins, phytochemicals, and enzymes than those that have been cooked, processed, or canned.
13.  Thoroughly wash all food before it is eaten.
14.  Eat all parts of fruits and beggies.  The white part inside the skin of citrus has vitamin C and biofavinoids.
15.  Have a cup of warm water with lemon juice in the morning.
16.  When dining out, eat broiled fishes, steamed or backed veggies and starches.
17.  Eat little or no processed foods.
18.  Eat food at a moderate pace.  Food is energy, and if you eat food at a rapid pace, you'll have more stress on your body, creating a stressful energy coming from your body. Pace yourself.
19.  Get rid of your aluminum cooking tuensils.  Absolutely no benefit to the body.
20.  Eat a high-fiber diet to cleanse the digestive track.  Put a couple tablespoons of what brandon your morning cereal; it has the bonus of extra B vitamins.

Practicing proper nutrition is a key for taking care of your skin.  By taking care of your skin, eating organic and raw foods, drinking plenty of water and avoiding processed foods, you will be able to help take care of your skin naturally through proper nutrition.


Parentini, L. J. (1996). The Joy of Healthy Skin. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Pentice Hall, Inc.