Ok, I have a confession. I don’t wash my face with soap or cleanser. I actually haven’t for many moons now. I just use olive oil. For me and my skin, it works. Everyone has different skin needs, but everyone should wash and touch their face the same way.
The skin on the face is extremely delicate and is often one of the first places you show age, along with the neck, chest and hands. Because this area is so delicate, it is important to use the utmost care when touching and washing your face. Here are some guidelines:
Temperature of the Water
Use warm or lukewarm water on your face, neck and chest. Try to stay away from boiling hot water. Cold water will help temporarily shrink pores.
Soaps and Cleansers
Try to use organic or natural products. The best ones will have the USDA organic symbol on the packing. You know for sure that these are organic. Organic skin care is essential and is less harsh on your skin than products that are laden with chemicals.
Touch with Care
There is absolutely no need to scrub your skin. Try to approach your skin with the same gentleness you would handle a lace shawl. It needs to be touched lightly and use mainly your ring fingers to work any cleanser, moisturizer and serums in. These fingers are not as strong as the others and will pull less on your skin.
Direction Matters!
When rubbing in or cleansing, use upward circular motions. This activates the blood flow to the skin and helps reduce downward pulling that may cause premature wrinkles.
Organic skin care goes way beyond just using organic skin care products. It involves changing the way you treat your skin. Be kind! It will be the only skin you have! Combined with a healthy diet, and the lack of poor habits, these techniques will help preserve your skin even longer!
Photo courtesy of Africa at www.freedigitalphotos.net
Photo courtesy of Africa at www.freedigitalphotos.net