Monday, October 17, 2011

Caring for Your Skin as You Age

We all want to age gracefully, but there are many things we do that unknowingly harm our skin. Below we sum up some basic skin care regimens that assist you in  looking your best as you age. We have also included links to these articles for your convenience!

  1. Always wear sunscreen and moisturizer
    1. Moisturize both day and night
  2. Be sure to keep a healthy diet
    1. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits
    2. Keep lean protein regulated
    3. Get your Omega-3 fatty acid
      1. Eat fish or take supplements. Fish oil and flax seed are great choices
  1. Exfoliate at least once a week
  2. Drink your water!
  3. Be gentle when washing your face
How to Care for Aging Skin
Age and Dry Skin
The Right Skin Care for Your Age