The first signs we show aging on our skin is on our face, neck, chest and hands. Even though some women may show a young face, a quick glance at their dry, sun-spotted hands shows their real age.
Here are some tips for caring for those sensitive, quick-to-show-aging spots of the neck, chest and hands:
1. Care for your neck, chest and hands the same way you would your face. Every time your moisturize, exfoliate and apply sunscreen to your face, be sure to also apply it every time to your neck, chest and hands.
2. When driving, try wearing gloves, scarves and/or a hat. Now this may seem a bit retro, but it will protect all these areas from UV damage over the years, especially if you spend a lot of time commuting!
3. Moisturize your neck, chest and hands before you go to bed every night! The moisturizer, combined with the reparative sleep will help keep these areas looking young.
4. Try wearing gloves when doing dishes or any other chores that may be rough on your hands. Not only will it minimize injuries and skin breaks, but it will also keep the skin from drying out.
5. Sleep on your back! This will help minimize wrinkles all over.
6. Eat foods rich in antioxidants to help repair and protect skin from the sun. Try cantaloupe and tomatoes!
7. Drink green tea: it has been shown to help protect the skin from UV damage!
Above all else, always remember to care for your neck, chest and hands with the same care you use with your face! All of these areas can sport some delicate skin and are easily damaged.