Today I read some very interesting articles regarding female facial shaving. Is this perhaps one of the easiest, cost effective, and organic ways to get your skin in better condition? You may be asking yourself, isn't there another way to remove that peach fuzz on my face? Sure there is, but let's look at the alternatives:
1. Waxing: Ouch!! And, you have to wait for the hair to grow back out to a length that is able to waxed. Not to mention the red, irritated skin that is sure to follow
2. Bleaching: Works well if you have darker hair on your face, but if that peach fuzz is already blonde, then you're out of luck. Plus, it doesn't actually remove the hair, it just makes it less noticeable
3. Laser Hair Removal: A more permanent option, to be sure, but a very expensive and (ahem) non-organic one at that!
4. Threading: Just about as painful as waxing and can cause side affects due to irritated skin.
5. Dermaplaning: Have you heard about this option that you can add to your facial? Guess what it is... Yep. They're shaving your face ladies, and charging you for it!
Below are some articles and blog posts regarding shaving your face. Apparently this is a pretty common skin care regimen in Japan, and it supposedly helps with wrinkles, skin texture and skin clarity. Perhaps it's worth a try... or at least some research. Don't worry, we won't tell!
Anti-Aging Skin Care: Shaving Face is Saving Face
Facial Shaving for Women
Women, Shave Your Face!